What optimization can be made for nanosecond IO and CPU stability when performing a timing attack?

I’m using Rust to create a program to attempt a timing attack on a network resource (a printer I lost a password to). I’m wired directly into it. What Linux environmental constraints can I optimize to minimize noise and variability?
Curren… Continue reading What optimization can be made for nanosecond IO and CPU stability when performing a timing attack?

What are best practices for finding an account in a SQL database during authentication? Is using `LIMIT 1` vulnerable to timing attacks?

I have a application where users can log in by providing a username or email address (both case insensitive) and a password. In the users table in the database, the relevant account information is stored in three columns lowercase_usernam… Continue reading What are best practices for finding an account in a SQL database during authentication? Is using `LIMIT 1` vulnerable to timing attacks?

Does this theoretical salted-hash-sleep scheme mitigate timing attacks?

This question is purely theoretical, I have no intention of ever implementing this scheme in practice. I’m familiar with the shortcomings of sleeping as means of mitigating timing attacks. I’m more interested in this from the attacker’s pe… Continue reading Does this theoretical salted-hash-sleep scheme mitigate timing attacks?

How to prevent a timing attack when I do/don’t perform password_verify (depending if the user exists)?

Here is the code which potentially can allow a timing attack
$user = getUserFromDatabase($input_username);

if ($user === false) { // potential timing attack
// user not exist
echo json_encode(["me… Continue reading How to prevent a timing attack when I do/don’t perform password_verify (depending if the user exists)?