What is the difference between Root of Trust and Trusted Computing Base (TCB)?

RoT: element within a system that is trusted and must always behave as expected because any misbehavior cannot be detected at runtime. It’s part of the TCB.
TCB: the smallest set of hardware, firmware, software, and other resources (e.g.,… Continue reading What is the difference between Root of Trust and Trusted Computing Base (TCB)?

How to distribute Android mobile app functionality between OS, Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and Secure Element (SE)?

There are different scenarios when it’s about secure computation/storage on mobile devices, e.g., "REE only", "REE + TEE", or "REE + SE" or "REE + TEE + SE".
REE – Real Execution Environment, i.e. de… Continue reading How to distribute Android mobile app functionality between OS, Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and Secure Element (SE)?