Meet Summit, world’s fastest AI-powered supercomputer

By Waqas
Scientists at IBM along with researchers at Mellanox, Nvidia and RedHat have unveiled an Artificial
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U.S. Builds World’s Fastest Supercomputer – Summit

China no longer owns the fastest supercomputer in the world; It is the United States now.

Though China still has more supercomputers on the Top 500 list, the USA takes the crown of “world’s fastest supercomputer” from China after IBM and the U.S. Depa… Continue reading U.S. Builds World’s Fastest Supercomputer – Summit

Facebook bug exposed private posts of 14 million users to public

By Carolina
The social media giant Facebook said on Thursday that a critical bug
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Multiple Internet-Connected BMW vehicles vulnerable to getting hacked

By Waqas
In total, researchers have identified 14 vulnerabilities in Multiple Internet-Connected BMW
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