Mithro Runs Down Open Source FPGA Toolchains

Tim [Mithro] Ansell has a lot to tell you about the current state of open FPGA tooling: 115 slides in 25 minutes if you’re counting. His SymbiFlow project aims to be the GCC of FPGA toolchains: cross-platform, multi-platform, completely free, and all-encompassing. That means that it’s an umbrella framework for …read more

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FBus: An Extensible and Easily Configurable FPGA Based DAQ

[flow] is a little disillusioned with commercial Data Acquisition Systems (DAQs) and channeled his frustration into his own, very cool, FPGA based solution.

The project takes form as a back plane into which various cards can be slotted. The the interface is just a PCI-e connector. If you need analog …read more

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Symbiflow Open Source FPGA toolchain

Anyone who’s ever had the pleasure of programming FPGAs knows that it’s a land of proprietary tools that almost require marriage level commitment to a specific platform to be effective. Symbiflow hopes to solve this by becoming the GCC of FPGAs.

Rather than a tool built around a specific chip …read more

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