AI and Microdirectives

Imagine a future in which AIs automatically interpret—and enforce—laws.

All day and every day, you constantly receive highly personalized instructions for how to comply with the law, sent directly by your government and law enforcement. You’re told how to cross the street, how fast to drive on the way to work, and what you’re allowed to say or do online—if you’re in any situation that might have legal implications, you’re told exactly what to do, in real time.

Imagine that the computer system formulating these personal legal directives at mass scale is so complex that no one can explain how it reasons or works. But if you ignore a directive, the system will know, and it’ll be used as evidence in the prosecution that’s sure to follow…

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French Police Will Be Able to Spy on People through Their Cell Phones

The French police are getting new surveillance powers:

French police should be able to spy on suspects by remotely activating the camera, microphone and GPS of their phones and other devices, lawmakers agreed late on Wednesday, July 5.


Covering laptops, cars and other connected objects as well as phones, the measure would allow the geolocation of suspects in crimes punishable by at least five years’ jail. Devices could also be remotely activated to record sound and images of people suspected of terror offenses, as well as delinquency and organized crime…

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What would be the point of a group of programmers targeting someone without any resources for help? [closed]

the only things i know is what I’m allowed th retain. Alls files are gonr, root id stolen on everydebice i get and have had in the last 3 years. Having an service interruption everynite outdated browsers i cant update , outdate software,ce… Continue reading What would be the point of a group of programmers targeting someone without any resources for help? [closed]

Spying on a smartphone remotely by the authorities: feasibility and operation

French lawmakers agreed to a justice reform bill that includes a provision granting police the power to remotely activate suspects’ geolocation, microphone and camera (source).
Following the senators, the deputies also gave their green lig… Continue reading Spying on a smartphone remotely by the authorities: feasibility and operation

Self-Driving Cars Are Surveillance Cameras on Wheels

Police are already using self-driving car footage as video evidence:

While security cameras are commonplace in American cities, self-driving cars represent a new level of access for law enforcement ­ and a new method for encroachment on privacy, advocates say. Crisscrossing the city on their routes, self-driving cars capture a wider swath of footage. And it’s easier for law enforcement to turn to one company with a large repository of videos and a dedicated response team than to reach out to all the businesses in a neighborhood with security systems…

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Can my ISP see request data being posted to a website when a DNS leak occurs

From what I understand, the ISP can see the host you’re trying to connect to in the event of a DNS leak. But does that mean they can see the data being sent like the requests body? or even headers?
Or can they just see the IPs/Hosts you’re… Continue reading Can my ISP see request data being posted to a website when a DNS leak occurs

US Military Personnel Targeted by Unsolicited Smartwatches Linked to Data Breaches

By Waqas
Service members in the United States military have been receiving unsolicited smartwatches through the mail, which unsurprisingly contain malware.
This is a post from Read the original post: US Military Personnel Targeted by Unsol… Continue reading US Military Personnel Targeted by Unsolicited Smartwatches Linked to Data Breaches

VPN for Privacy: Shielding Your Online Activities from Prying Eyes

By Waqas
Protect your online privacy with trustworthy VPNs. Shield your sensitive data from prying eyes and browse the internet…
This is a post from Read the original post: VPN for Privacy: Shielding Your Online Activities from Pryin… Continue reading VPN for Privacy: Shielding Your Online Activities from Prying Eyes