Under Attack: How Threat Actors are Exploiting SOCKS Proxies

From the basic building blocks of the internet to cryptocurrency mining on a supercomputer, SOCKS sits at the core of computing. A SOCKS proxy can be used to improve network security in an enterprise, but can also be exploited by cybercriminals for nefarious reasons. Take a look at how SOCKS proxies have been manipulated recently […]

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Socks by Bob

No, this article is not about SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 or Proxies. It’s about real socks, the ones that go onto your feet. Meet [Bob Rutherford], 88 years old, who lives in Saskatoon, Canada. He and his gang ([Glynn Sully], 92 years old , [George Slater] 85 year old, and young [Barney Sullivan] 65 years old) have made 10,000 socks for shelters in the community and across the country. That’s almost 8 miles of socks. Last year alone “operation Socks by Bob” as he likes to call it, produced 2,000 socks.

So how did these 4 fellows manage to pull this …read more

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This Pair of Smart Socks Got Me Into Wearable Tech

Ahhh, wearable tech.Is there a bigger buzzkill than that random person at the party telling you all about their Fitbit heart rate? We get it, you run! As an anti-runner (come at me marathoners), I was a bit hesitant about how I’d fairly use and revie… Continue reading This Pair of Smart Socks Got Me Into Wearable Tech