The Password Reuse Problem, US Government IoT Recommendations, Smart Lock Security Disaster

In episode 99: Password reuse is still a very large problem, US government recommendations for securing Internet of Things devices, and yet another smart lock device security disaster. ** Show notes and links mentioned on the show ** Password reuse con… Continue reading The Password Reuse Problem, US Government IoT Recommendations, Smart Lock Security Disaster

Unpatchable KeyWe smart lock can be easily picked

A design flaw in the KeyWe smart lock (GKW-2000D), which is mostly used for remote-controlled entry to private residences, can be exploited by attackers to gain access to the dwellings, F-Secure researchers have found. To add insult to injury, in this … Continue reading Unpatchable KeyWe smart lock can be easily picked

Hong Kong Protests, Instagram’s Anti-Phishing Tool, Smart Device Fail

You’re listening to the Shared Security Podcast, exploring the trust you put in people, apps, and technology…with your host, Tom Eston In episode 90 for October 14th 2019: How protesters in Hong Kong are avoiding facial recognition, Instagr… Continue reading Hong Kong Protests, Instagram’s Anti-Phishing Tool, Smart Device Fail

Smashing Security #135: Zombie grannies and unintended leaks

We take a bloodied baseball bat to Android malware, and debate the merits of a social media strike, as one of the team bites the bullet and buys a smart lock for the office.
All this and much more is discussed in the latest edition of the award-winning… Continue reading Smashing Security #135: Zombie grannies and unintended leaks

Smashing Security #100: One flippin’ hundred

Yes, it’s the 100th edition of the “Smashing Security” podcast.
There’s a little celebration at both ends of this week’s podcast – but the meat of the sandwich is our normal look at the security stories of the last week – including an alarming IoT fail… Continue reading Smashing Security #100: One flippin’ hundred

Windows, Smart Lock, & iPhone Hackers – Application Security Weekly #20

In the news, Microsoft Windows remote kernel crash vulnerability, another flaw hits Tapplock smart locks, cops aren’t confident iPhone hackers found a workaround to Apple’s new security feature Spain’s La Giga app caught using fans&#8… Continue reading Windows, Smart Lock, & iPhone Hackers – Application Security Weekly #20

Pennsylvania, Equifax, and US Senators – Paul’s Security Weekly #564

 In the Security News this week, Smart lock can be hacked in seconds, librarian sues Equifax over 2017 data breach wins $600, Neighbors of Cold War Air Force deserter knew him as ‘Tim’. In the random and potentially interesting stories, a … Continue reading Pennsylvania, Equifax, and US Senators – Paul’s Security Weekly #564