Regularly updating your wireless router is not enough to ward off attacks

Wireless routers are the most often attacked and exploited type of IoT device. They are also one of the rare IoT devices that most of us can’t do without. We need them to be as secure as can be, but unfortunately most of them are not. The non-pro… Continue reading Regularly updating your wireless router is not enough to ward off attacks

Sierra Wireless Patches Critical Vulns in Range of Wireless Routers

The flaws would leave the enterprise devices helpless to a range of remote threats, including the charms of the Reaper IoT botnet. Continue reading Sierra Wireless Patches Critical Vulns in Range of Wireless Routers

Sierra Wireless Warns Cellular Data Gear Targeted by Mirai Malware

Sierra Wireless warns that its AirLink gateways are being infected by the Mirai malware, and urges customers to change default passwords on devices. Continue reading Sierra Wireless Warns Cellular Data Gear Targeted by Mirai Malware

Sierra Wireless Warns Cellular Data Gear Targeted by Mirai Malware

Sierra Wireless warns that its AirLink gateways are being infected by the Mirai malware, and urges customers to change default passwords on devices. Continue reading Sierra Wireless Warns Cellular Data Gear Targeted by Mirai Malware