Why You Need a Software Bill of Materials More Than Ever

Imagine that a new vulnerability in lodash was just announced. Applications using the npm package are being exploited through large scale automated DoS attacks. You need to act quickly to understand if your organization’s systems are at risk… Continue reading Why You Need a Software Bill of Materials More Than Ever

Critical Bug in Android Antivirus Exposes Address Books

Comprehensive testing of 21 free Android antivirus apps revealed big security vulnerabilities and privacy concerns; especially AEGISLAB, BullGuard, dfndr and VIPRE. Continue reading Critical Bug in Android Antivirus Exposes Address Books

Houston [I mean Bulgaria], we’ve got a problem

Every relationship is built on trust. Trust is at the core of every lasting relationship, whether it’s between family members, between spouses, between organizations and their customers, and even between citizens and their government. At the star… Continue reading Houston [I mean Bulgaria], we’ve got a problem

Code Exposure: The Vulnerabilities in Your Code & Where They Originate

Code Exposure: The Vulnerabilities in Your Code & Where They Originate Typical software applications are comprised of two types of code: custom code created by your internal development teams, and third-party code – often open source – … Continue reading Code Exposure: The Vulnerabilities in Your Code & Where They Originate

How Secure Are Smart Security Systems?

Smart security systems promise to simplify keeping homes and properties secure with artificial intelligence, remote views of active cameras, voice commands and more. But cybersecurity researchers also are find another feature of these systems: securit… Continue reading How Secure Are Smart Security Systems?

Positive.com: ICO Projects Contain Five Security Vulnerabilities On Average

ICO security company launches Chainwatch, a real time monitoring product for ICOs.
Positive.com’s specialist anti-fraud team found an average of five separate vulnerabilities in each project they examined in 2017, revealing the extent of ris… Continue reading Positive.com: ICO Projects Contain Five Security Vulnerabilities On Average

Keeping Up With Security News: A Few Of My Secrets

Photo Credit: Ethan Prater Many people ask me how I keep up with the security news. Its really not a huge secret, okay maybe some things are secret. I will share a couple of items with the Security Weekly Tribe: I’ve been using an RSS reader since the begining. The software I choose to use Continue reading Keeping Up With Security News: A Few Of My Secrets