Salt Bugs Allow Full RCE as Root on Cloud Servers

Researchers say the bugs are easy to exploit and will likely be weaponized within a day. Continue reading Salt Bugs Allow Full RCE as Root on Cloud Servers

Enterprise Security Woes Explode with Home Networks in the Mix

Thanks to WFH, IoT refrigerators, Samsung TVs and more can now be back-channel proxies into the corporate network. Continue reading Enterprise Security Woes Explode with Home Networks in the Mix

Why “Shift Left” in DevOps is really “Shift Center”

In an industry full of acronyms and buzz words, the term “shift left” surfaced as a result of organizations waiting to perform software security testing until the end of the development process. The problem here is that the industry still t… Continue reading Why “Shift Left” in DevOps is really “Shift Center”

Microsoft Addresses Active Attacks, Air-Gap Danger with 99 Patches

There are 12 critical and five previously disclosed bugs in the February 2020 Patch Tuesday Update. Continue reading Microsoft Addresses Active Attacks, Air-Gap Danger with 99 Patches