This WeeΚ in Security: Hackerman, Twitter’s Best, and Signs to Watch Out For

[Editor’s note: There is a second, fake iteration of this column out today. This is obviously the real column.] First off, there’s an amazing video tutorial from [Hackerman], embedded below …read more Continue reading This WeeΚ in Security: Hackerman, Twitter’s Best, and Signs to Watch Out For

This Week in Security: Browser in the Browser, Mass Typo-squatting, and /dev/random Upgrades

For every very clever security protocol that keeps people safe, there’s a stupid hack that defeats it in an unexpected way. Take OAuth for instance. It’s the technology that sites …read more Continue reading This Week in Security: Browser in the Browser, Mass Typo-squatting, and /dev/random Upgrades

This Week in Security: DDoS Techniques, Dirty Pipe, and Lapsus$ Continued

Denial-of-Service (DoS) amplification. Relatively early in the history of the Internet — it was only 14 years old at the time — the first DoS amplification attack was discovered. [TFreak] …read more Continue reading This Week in Security: DDoS Techniques, Dirty Pipe, and Lapsus$ Continued

The Invisible Battlefields of the Russia-Ukraine War

Early in the morning of February 24th, Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, a professor at California’s Middlebury Institute of International Studies watched Russia’s invasion of Ukraine unfold in realtime with troop movements …read more Continue reading The Invisible Battlefields of the Russia-Ukraine War