Investing in the right future for the cloud

In the last decade we have seen cloud technology evolve from a useful competitive business tool to one of the key foundations of the business world. Migrating assets, application and infrastructure to the cloud is an underpinning objective for most dig… Continue reading Investing in the right future for the cloud

Alphabet soup 2021: The cybersecurity acronyms that matter most

We’re in the midst of a massive transformation in which security professionals around the world are radically rethinking how they protect the enterprise from modern threats. Users are spreading out from corporate headquarters—logging in from remot… Continue reading Alphabet soup 2021: The cybersecurity acronyms that matter most

The evolution of cybersecurity within network architecture

The vulnerable state of the world during the pandemic paved way for an aggressive onslaught of attacks, with around 39 percent of businesses experiencing a cybersecurity breach in the last twelve months. A decade ago, security officers would have been … Continue reading The evolution of cybersecurity within network architecture

Perspectives: Gartner’s Strategic Roadmap for SASE Convergence

Gartner recently published the 2021 Strategic Roadmap for SASE Convergence, outlining the migration to a Secure Access Services Edge (SASE) architecture. In it, the document acknowledges that the transition to a complete SASE model will take time. Bey… Continue reading Perspectives: Gartner’s Strategic Roadmap for SASE Convergence

Adding complexity through simplification: Breaking down SASE

In an industry that’s not short of jargon and buzzwords, cybersecurity has a new acronym to reckon with: SASE, or secure access service edge. Introduced by Gartner in 2019 and initially a niche term that was used by around one percent of enterprises, c… Continue reading Adding complexity through simplification: Breaking down SASE

The skinny on SASE: Why it’s primed to secure the cloud-first enterprise

Just about everything today happens in the cloud—except security. Employees do most of their work there, and their critical tools like SaaS applications and email are found there. Even much of an organization’s data is located there. Naturally, se… Continue reading The skinny on SASE: Why it’s primed to secure the cloud-first enterprise

Achieving Data Protection With SASE

Data is the ultimate asset of modern business and the foundation of digital transformation. It is the currency that funds innovation and growth. Data must be protected with the utmost rigor, but it must also flow effortlessly to where it can deliver t… Continue reading Achieving Data Protection With SASE

Why Financial Services Needs Network Transformation

All business industries have seen increasing pressure to digitize their services in recent years, particularly over the past 12 months in response to COVID-19. But few industries have felt this pressure more than the financial sector, where customers … Continue reading Why Financial Services Needs Network Transformation