After COVID-19 BioNTech turns its mRNA vaccine tech on malaria

BioNTech, the pioneering mRNA company responsible for one of the world’s first COVID-19 vaccines, is now looking to develop an mRNA malaria vaccine. Working with the World Health Organization the company hopes to begin human clinical trials sometime ne… Continue reading After COVID-19 BioNTech turns its mRNA vaccine tech on malaria

Simple RNA tweak boosts potato and rice yields by 50 percent

Food security is a major potential problem, especially in the face of climate change. Now, researchers have shown that manipulating RNA in plants can drastically boost the amount of food they produce, and make them more resistant to drought conditions…. Continue reading Simple RNA tweak boosts potato and rice yields by 50 percent

The mRNA flu vaccine race heats up with two human trials commencing

Biotech firm Moderna has commenced human trials testing an mRNA influenza vaccine targeting four separate viral strains. Building on its profoundly successful mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, the company is ultimately planning to develop a single vaccine against… Continue reading The mRNA flu vaccine race heats up with two human trials commencing

Once-promising mRNA COVID-19 vaccine disappoints with final trial data

Late in 2020, two experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines delivered stunningly positive final phase human trial results. With efficacy higher than 90 percent, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines introduced the world to an entirely new kind of biotechnology, an… Continue reading Once-promising mRNA COVID-19 vaccine disappoints with final trial data

Entirely new class of biomolecule may be common to all forms of life

Scientists continue to make surprising discoveries in our own bodies. Stanford researchers have now discovered a new biomolecule hiding in plain sight, which may be common to most types of life and could play a role in autoimmune diseases in humans.Con… Continue reading Entirely new class of biomolecule may be common to all forms of life

The mRNA revolution: How COVID-19 hit fast-forward on an experimental technology

Despite the seemingly sudden appearance of this cutting-edge mRNA technology it is, like many scientific innovations, actually the product of decades of piecemeal research. mRNA was first discovered around 60 years ago after scientists worked for years… Continue reading The mRNA revolution: How COVID-19 hit fast-forward on an experimental technology

Blood test for depression & bipolar disorder one step closer to reality

Researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine are one step closer to an objective clinical blood test for mood disorders. A robust new study is describing the development of a panel of blood-based biomarkers that can distinguish between de… Continue reading Blood test for depression & bipolar disorder one step closer to reality

CRISPR gene-editing tool tweaked to tackle muscular dystrophy via RNA

We’ve seen the powerful ways the CRISPR gene-editing tool could bring about better health outcomes by targeting and replacing specific pieces of DNA, but scientists at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) have been exploring a different approa… Continue reading CRISPR gene-editing tool tweaked to tackle muscular dystrophy via RNA

Coronavirus Testing: CRISPR Technology Set to Streamline Viral Testing

If we could run back 2020 to its beginning and get a do-over, chances are pretty good that we’d do a lot of things differently. There’s a ton of blame to go around on COVID-19, but it’s safe to say that one of the biggest failures of this whole episode …read more

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Defense Department Funds Wearables to Detect COVID-19

As many countries across the globe begin loosening their stay-at-home orders, we’re seeing government agencies and large companies prepare for the lasting effects of the pandemic. A recent solicitation from the United States Department of Defense (DoD) indicates they are investing $25 million into wearable devices that can detect early …read more

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