Recommended Reading: Serverless Security, Application Security and Other Serverless Related Topics

From time to time, I’m getting asked to recommend books, articles, blog posts or conference talks related to AWS lambda security, serverless security, application security, and security testing. I decided to put my list of recommendations in… Continue reading Recommended Reading: Serverless Security, Application Security and Other Serverless Related Topics

Books You Should Read: Engineer to Win By Carroll Smith

One problem with engineering education today is a lack of experimental teaching. Oh sure you may have a project or two, but it’s not the focus of the program because it’s hard to standardize a test around. Typically sections of the field are taught in a highly focused theoretical course by a professor or graduate student with a specialization in that section. Because classes treat individual subject areas, it’s entirely possible to get a really good understanding of two pieces of the same puzzle, but never realize that they fit together to make a picture. It’s only when a freshly …read more

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