Weatherproof Raspberry Pi Camera Enclosure, In a Pinch

The Raspberry Pi is the foundation of many IoT camera projects, but enclosures are often something left up to the user. [Mare] found that a serviceable outdoor enclosure could be …read more Continue reading Weatherproof Raspberry Pi Camera Enclosure, In a Pinch

Detecting Algal Blooms with the Help of AI

A blue enclosure with "IoT AI-assisted Deep Algae Bloom Detector w/Blues Wireless" written on the front. Two black cables run over a wooden desk to a cylinder with rocks on the bottom and filled with murky water. A bookshelf lurks in the background.

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) can have negative consequences for both marine life and human health, so it can be helpful to have early warning of when they’re on the way. …read more Continue reading Detecting Algal Blooms with the Help of AI