Krebs On Security: Brilliant Exposé Of US Wireless Carriers

Fellow member of the Security Bloggers Network – Brian Krebs and his superlative blog Krebs On Security provides a tour de force exposé of the unfortunate current security posture of the wireless carriers in the United States. Read it my friends… Continue reading Krebs On Security: Brilliant Exposé Of US Wireless Carriers

Newly Discovered Security SNAFU 3G, 4G, 5G Networks Impacted: Here We Go!

Just A Crystal Based AM Radio, Not Really A Mobile Phone, I Just Happen To Appreciate The Photo.
Catalin Cimpanu reporting at Zero Day, provides us with the Litany of Telephony Flaws: 2019 Edition (also known as just another day in Security Dreamland… Continue reading Newly Discovered Security SNAFU 3G, 4G, 5G Networks Impacted: Here We Go!

The Story: Vermont State Official Proves Carrier Claims Of Coverage Are Hogwash

Image Credit:
John Dillon writing at Vermont Public Radio, brings forth the true story of Cory Chase, a State of Vermont Telecommunications Infrastructure Specialist and his quest to accurately detail mobile telephony signal coverage in hi… Continue reading The Story: Vermont State Official Proves Carrier Claims Of Coverage Are Hogwash

DerbyCon 2018, Tso-Jen Liu’s ‘Fuzz Your Smartphone From 4G Base Station Side’

Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
The post DerbyCon 2018, Tso-Jen Liu’s ‘Fuzz Your Smartphone From 4G Base Station Side’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.
Continue reading DerbyCon 2018, Tso-Jen Liu’s ‘Fuzz Your Smartphone From 4G Base Station Side’

MDM Brute Forced

via Sean Gallagher, writing at Ars Technica, comes this particularly unfortunate news for Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) MDM (Mobile Device Management) bits – especially considering there will be a flood of new devices into many orgs. On the plus side, the… Continue reading MDM Brute Forced

City of Tacoma Fined $300,000 For Witholding Stingray Surveillance Data

Both Cyrus Favrivar of Ars Technica and Kate Martin, writing for The Tacoma News Tribune, have reported (Ars, Tribune) that Judge G. Helen Whitener has rebuked the Tacoma Police Department’s for their apparent decision to not produce the surveillance… Continue reading City of Tacoma Fined $300,000 For Witholding Stingray Surveillance Data