Does HTTP/3 necessitate additional – beyond HTTP/2 via TLS1.3 – restrictions on client authentication (mTLS)?

A recent Nginx release allows me to set listen 443 quic; to enable HTTP/3. Neat. I had been using HTTP/2 with TLS1.3 before, so I did not expect that change much, just optimize round trips with otherwise matching security properties.
One m… Continue reading Does HTTP/3 necessitate additional – beyond HTTP/2 via TLS1.3 – restrictions on client authentication (mTLS)?

HTTP/3 and QUIC: Past, Present, and Future

You may have seen the announcements over the past two weeks — the IETF QUIC RFCs have been published! That leads to a lot of questions, depending on how closely you’ve followed this space. You might be wondering what this means to you, or you might think QUIC has been an established thing for years now. And how does HTTP/3 fit into this? Is HTTP/3 another name for QUIC? Continue reading HTTP/3 and QUIC: Past, Present, and Future