HTTP/3 and QUIC: Past, Present, and Future

You may have seen the announcements over the past two weeks — the IETF QUIC RFCs have been published! That leads to a lot of questions, depending on how closely you’ve followed this space. You might be wondering what this means to you, or you might think QUIC has been an established thing for years now. And how does HTTP/3 fit into this? Is HTTP/3 another name for QUIC? Continue reading HTTP/3 and QUIC: Past, Present, and Future

HTTP/3: Ready to Land

Hi, my name is Mike Bishop; I’m the editor of the newest version of HTTP, HTTP/3. I’m part of Foundry, a team at Akamai that focuses on new and emerging technologies that will impact the future of the web. I’ve been involved in web standards since the early days of HTTP/2, and most of my work has been on the development of these modern HTTP versions. When the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) was forming the QUIC working group in 2016, I was asked to serve as the editor for the HTTP/3 specification. As we bring this development effort to a close, let’s take a look back at how we got here. Continue reading HTTP/3: Ready to Land