2D quantum crystal sensor could hunt for dark matter particles

Dark matter should be all around us, but the stuff is frustratingly elusive. Now physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new sensor that could help us detect certain hypothetical dark matter particles, u… Continue reading 2D quantum crystal sensor could hunt for dark matter particles

World’s thinnest magnet is just a single atom thick

In a breakthrough that could open up exciting new possibilities in computing and electronics, scientists in the US have developed a two-dimensional magnetic material that is the thinnest in the world. The magnet is just a single atom thick and, unlike … Continue reading World’s thinnest magnet is just a single atom thick

Physicists induce motionless quantum state in largest object yet

“Stationary” has very different meanings at quantum and real-world scales – an object that looks perfectly still to us is actually made up of atoms that are buzzing and bouncing around. Now, scientists have managed to slow down the atoms almost to a co… Continue reading Physicists induce motionless quantum state in largest object yet

Quantum microscope breaks through fundamental barrier to image clarity

Australian researchers have demonstrated a quantum microscope that can break through a fundamental barrier faced by regular microscopes and see tiny structures that are normally invisible. The device “squeezes” light to snap images with far greater cla… Continue reading Quantum microscope breaks through fundamental barrier to image clarity

Something’s Up in Switzerland: Explaining the B Meson News from the Large Hadron Collider

Particle physics is a field of extremes. Scales always have 10really big number associated. Some results from the Large Hadron Collider Beauty (LHCb) experiment have recently been reported that are …read more Continue reading Something’s Up in Switzerland: Explaining the B Meson News from the Large Hadron Collider

Molecules wrangled into single quantum state in breakthrough experiment

Quantum technology is bursting with potential, but controlling atoms and molecules keeps proving tricky. In a breakthrough new study, physicists have successfully wrangled thousands of molecules into a single unified quantum state for the first time.Co… Continue reading Molecules wrangled into single quantum state in breakthrough experiment

A Scientist Made an Artificial Black Hole in the Lab, and You Won’t Believe What Happened Next

OK, that was a little click-baity, but then again, so was the announcement this week that a scientist had confirmed Hawking radiation with a lab-grown black hole. It sure got our attention, at least.

As it turns out, the truth …read more

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Diamond laser taps into spooky quantum world for true randomization

Randomization may seem simple, but there’s basically no such thing in classical physics – pretty much everything could be theoretically predicted if you had enough information. For true randomization you need to turn to the spooky world of quantum phys… Continue reading Diamond laser taps into spooky quantum world for true randomization

Diamond laser taps into spooky quantum world for true randomization

Randomization may seem simple, but there’s basically no such thing in classical physics – pretty much everything could be theoretically predicted if you had enough information. For true randomization you need to turn to the spooky world of quantum phys… Continue reading Diamond laser taps into spooky quantum world for true randomization

Unknown Quantum Effect Makes Insulator Oscillate

If there are two classes of matter that electronics people can agree on, its conductors and insulators. Electrically, conductors and insulators don’t have much in common. The same has held true in the quantum physics world until some research at …read more

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