[SANS ISC] Malicious Python Script Behaving Like a Rubber Ducky

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Malicious Python Script Behaving Like a Rubber Ducky“: Last week, it was SANSFIRE in Washington where I presented a SANS@Night talk about malicious Python scripts in Windows environment. I’m still looking for more fresh meat and, yesterday, I found another interesting one. Do you

The post [SANS ISC] Malicious Python Script Behaving Like a Rubber Ducky appeared first on /dev/random.

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Using netfilterqueue I can’t ping correctly when modifying a packet and sending it with scapy? [migrated]

I have a program that captures packets on my kali virtual machine and stores them in a queue table by the commands:
iptables -I INPUT -j NFQUEUE –queue-num 0
iptables -I OUTPUT -j NFQUEUE –queue-num 0

So the queue number is 0, and here … Continue reading Using netfilterqueue I can’t ping correctly when modifying a packet and sending it with scapy? [migrated]