How to get the pwned password list under Linux in the aera of ‘PwnedPasswordsDownloader’? [closed]

I noticed, that the direct download link to the whole list as an archive has vanished from the page at .
It now refers to the PwnedPasswordsDownloader git-repo which offers a Windows dotNet Tool. But I … Continue reading How to get the pwned password list under Linux in the aera of ‘PwnedPasswordsDownloader’? [closed]

Using netfilterqueue I can’t ping correctly when modifying a packet and sending it with scapy? [migrated]

I have a program that captures packets on my kali virtual machine and stores them in a queue table by the commands:
iptables -I INPUT -j NFQUEUE –queue-num 0
iptables -I OUTPUT -j NFQUEUE –queue-num 0

So the queue number is 0, and here … Continue reading Using netfilterqueue I can’t ping correctly when modifying a packet and sending it with scapy? [migrated]

Security implications of using a plaintext master password as the salt for PBKDF2 in a zero-knowledge system

I was reading the BitWarden Security Whitepaper (BitWarden is an open source, zero-knowledge password manager that performs encryption/decryption on the client side) and came across the following statement:

A Master Password hash is also … Continue reading Security implications of using a plaintext master password as the salt for PBKDF2 in a zero-knowledge system

Does GDPR apply if my web app stores personal data on the user’s phone only? [migrated]

My web app stores personal data about the user, but on the user’s phone only (HTML5 Local Storage). The data is never touched by any server or database. I can’t see the data. My server can’t see the data. I do not store it anywhere outside… Continue reading Does GDPR apply if my web app stores personal data on the user’s phone only? [migrated]