how to send cookies or token in local storage to a remote server using reflected XSS

I have an XSS vulnerability identified by <script>alert(1);</script> in the url.
So when I put it in the url it gets executed (ex:<script>alert(1);</script> ).
I also tried after loggin in, an… Continue reading how to send cookies or token in local storage to a remote server using reflected XSS

Password-based encryption: keeping the user logged in without entering password again

I have a system where some of user’s data is encrypted via AES. Each user has their own key K. When the user creates an account, the K is generated and encrypted with a key derived from password via PBKDF2 (let’s call this key P). … Continue reading Password-based encryption: keeping the user logged in without entering password again

Secure API token handling in Windows app: the token is needed to authenticate the requests to a backend server

I’m currently working on a UWP app that involves validating redemption codes against a Cloudflare KV storage backend. That’s all the backend server is for.
I want the app to check the redemption code against Cloudflare KV using an API toke… Continue reading Secure API token handling in Windows app: the token is needed to authenticate the requests to a backend server

In a web application, what would you consider the best way to store secret keys obtained via an SDK?

Currently I am working on an application that requires secret keys to encrypt and sign information generated by the client and transmited over the wire, these keys are granted per user.
Currently when the user logs in, the keys are downloa… Continue reading In a web application, what would you consider the best way to store secret keys obtained via an SDK?