Password-based encryption: keeping the user logged in without entering password again

I have a system where some of user’s data is encrypted via AES. Each user has their own key K. When the user creates an account, the K is generated and encrypted with a key derived from password via PBKDF2 (let’s call this key P). … Continue reading Password-based encryption: keeping the user logged in without entering password again

What are the threats of using hashing functions that are built into the DBMS? (besides man-in-the-middle attacks)

There are functions like MD5 and SHA2 in MySQL which can be used to hash values before putting them into the database, or when searching over values.
As I proposed a possible solution in a comment to this answer to a question, I was told t… Continue reading What are the threats of using hashing functions that are built into the DBMS? (besides man-in-the-middle attacks)