What Is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

The question “what is single sign-on?” is one we get asked a lot. To understand this solution, consider an analogy: “Imagine going to the mall, and at each store you must register with the store for your first purchase. Then, every time aft… Continue reading What Is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

How To Build An Authentication Platform

Today’s authentication requirements go way beyond hooking into a database or directory and challenging every user and service for an Id and password.  Authentication and the login experience, is the application entry point and can make o… Continue reading How To Build An Authentication Platform

Say goodbye to passwords: WebAuthn specification now an official standard

Weak or default passwords are behind 81% of data breaches, and most people employ such a password, despite knowing better. Worse still, Internet users recycle the same password across websites and services, making attackers’ job even easier. But … Continue reading Say goodbye to passwords: WebAuthn specification now an official standard

Android Gets FIDO2 Certification—Now Supports Secure Passwordless Logins

Great news.

If you have already installed the latest update of Google Play Services released earlier today, and your Android device is running Android version 7.0 Nougat or above—Congratulations! Your device is now FIDO2 Certified.

Are you thinking… … Continue reading Android Gets FIDO2 Certification—Now Supports Secure Passwordless Logins

2019 Digital Identity Progress Report

Schools out for summer?  Well not quite.  Unless you’re living in the east coast of Australia, it’s looking decidedly bleak weather wise for most of Europe and the American east coast.  But I digress.  Is it looking bleak for your d… Continue reading 2019 Digital Identity Progress Report

Yubico’s latest authentication keys get the jump on a ‘passwordless’ future

Yubico, the Swedish-American company that helped popularize key-shaped physical authentication tokens, has released a new line of products geared toward passwordless logins that give users secure access to software and online services without typing anything. The company’s fifth generation of YubiKeys work with the new FIDO2 protocol in addition to other authentication methods. The result is that they “can be used alone for strong single-factor authentication, requiring no username or password to login — just tap or touch to authenticate,” Yubico said Monday. Use of FIDO2 is supported by major browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. YubiKey integration is also available with popular platforms like Google, Facebook and Twitter. FIDO was developed by an alliance of technology companies to allow users to simply plug in or tap an authenticator key instead of using a static password. Companies are now slowly adopting the standard into their products. The combination of methods […]

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