What are the chances that a human forgets a password they regularly use? [closed]

I’m thinking to what extend being dependent on one password to encrypt all my data is a good idea. While I would expect that I normally will remember the password, I’m unsure about how likely it is that my brain will fail in an unexpected … Continue reading What are the chances that a human forgets a password they regularly use? [closed]

Are there security concerns that might prevent database systems from providing password data types?

Software development environments seem to benefit when problems can be solved "higher up the chain".
For example, many web platform features that are now natively supported in both JavaScript and CSS used to require much labor an… Continue reading Are there security concerns that might prevent database systems from providing password data types?

Beyond Password Safety: How to Make Employee Sign-On Safe and Convenient

When did you last change your work password? Was it when the system prompted you? When you were first hired? Or maybe the answer doesn’t matter. When it comes to password safety, old adages don’t always apply anymore. Let’s take a look at what today’s business password management really needs by focusing on the valuable […]

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Creating a unique password for each device/unit of the same product

We are currently working on an IoT product & having a hard time coming up with a strategy to create a unique password for each device/unit.
I do understand that password based on a function of { serial number, CPU id, MAC address or ti… Continue reading Creating a unique password for each device/unit of the same product

5 Ways to Increase Password Safety

You make password decisions every week. Maybe you create a new account, reset a password or respond to a password change prompt. And each time you make a seemingly small or insignificant mistake in regard to password safety, such as not creating strong enough passwords or using the same password on multiple accounts, you increase […]

The post 5 Ways to Increase Password Safety appeared first on Security Intelligence.

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