The Pros and Cons of Password Rotation Policies

Why Password Rotation Policies May No Longer Be Fit-For-Purpose In the Digital Age Forced password resets have been a common feature of password policies for a long time and are still widely used. However, Microsoft and the NIST password guidelines, re… Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Password Rotation Policies

The High Cost of Password Expiration Policies

For many cybersecurity professionals, one of the more surprising ideas to come out of 2019 is the recommendation to drop forced password expiration policies. Forced password expiration policies have been around for many years now and are a widespread e… Continue reading The High Cost of Password Expiration Policies

Eliminating the Burden of Periodic Password Reset

The NIST 800-63b password guidelines include password policy changes that can improve everyone’s experience with passwords, including eliminating the forced periodic password reset. The most publicized recommendation is throwing away password com… Continue reading Eliminating the Burden of Periodic Password Reset