Harvard scientists identify link between pain and poor sleep

Most of us have woken up with an aching back after a night of tossing and turning, only for that pain to then keep us awake the next night. Now, Harvard scientists have discovered a potential link between pain and poor sleep, and maybe even a way to br… Continue reading Harvard scientists identify link between pain and poor sleep

Harvard scientists identify link between pain and poor sleep

Most of us have woken up with an aching back after a night of tossing and turning, only for that pain to then keep us awake the next night. Now, Harvard scientists have discovered a potential link between pain and poor sleep, and maybe even a way to br… Continue reading Harvard scientists identify link between pain and poor sleep

New compound knocks out 4 types of pain with no side effects in study

After screening 27 million compounds, researchers have found a small-molecule drug that performed as well as a common painkiller with no side effects in rodent tests. The hope is that the finding could lead to better pain management for humans.Continue… Continue reading New compound knocks out 4 types of pain with no side effects in study

Painkiller producers could pivot to paper waste instead of crude oil

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are among the world’s most common over-the-counter painkillers, but manufacturing them requires crude oil. Now, researchers at the University of Bath have developed a more sustainable method, creating the drugs out of waste pr… Continue reading Painkiller producers could pivot to paper waste instead of crude oil

Genetic study reveals why Scottish woman feels no pain, heals faster

A few years ago, Scottish woman Jo Cameron was found to be a medical marvel who felt next to no pain, fear or anxiety, and had faster wound healing, thanks to a specific gene mutation. Now, scientists have studied in more detail to figure out how this … Continue reading Genetic study reveals why Scottish woman feels no pain, heals faster

Anthrax toxin may be the key to new pain-blocking therapies

Early preclinical work led by researchers from Harvard Medical School has found certain elements in a toxin produced by the anthrax bacterium can silence activity in pain-signaling brain neurons. The research proposes this could be a new model for futu… Continue reading Anthrax toxin may be the key to new pain-blocking therapies

Scientists call for limited use of acetaminophen during pregnancy

A newly published consensus statement, co-signed by nearly 100 scientists, is calling for the common painkiller acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol or APAP) to be used cautiously and conservatively during pregnancy. The researchers indicate there … Continue reading Scientists call for limited use of acetaminophen during pregnancy

Unique CRISPR gene therapy offers opioid-free chronic pain treatment

An intriguing new proof-of-concept study from a team of University of California San Diego researchers suggests CRISPR gene therapy may be a promising alternative to opioids for chronic pain. The preliminary investigation demonstrated lowered pain sens… Continue reading Unique CRISPR gene therapy offers opioid-free chronic pain treatment