CDN Tuning for OTT – "Why Doesn’t it Already do That?"

When you initially onboarded your OTT traffic to a CDN, you probably went with default settings. And to be honest, why wouldn’t you? A standard media configuration is designed for the short http-based segment delivery at scale. It removes the bottleneck of your origin connectivity, taking you from a couple of hundred Mb/s to several Gb/s (and Tb/s) of OTT traffic to your customers as your service grows. So, do you understand what this standard configuration is doing, and how to fine tune it for your current use case? Continue reading CDN Tuning for OTT – "Why Doesn’t it Already do That?"

#OTTuesday: The Current State of Linear Broadcast and OTT

Over the last two years, we’ve seen a surge in OTT offerings as viewers insist on watching what they want, when they want, on any device, anywhere. Major content creators like Netflix and Amazon have made significant strides to push…
The post #OTTues… Continue reading #OTTuesday: The Current State of Linear Broadcast and OTT

Media Acceleration Enhances Online Experiences for OTT Video, Games and Software Downloads

Online audiences are growing and so are their expectations for the quality of experience. You know exactly what I mean if you’ve ever been frustrated with the rate at which a game is downloading or if your video stalls at… Continue reading Media Acceleration Enhances Online Experiences for OTT Video, Games and Software Downloads