Streaming Numbers Jump for European Football Tournament Delivered by Akamai

The video streaming traffic that Akamai delivered for more than 30 rights-holding customers during the July 11 Italy-England football (soccer) final as part of the delayed-to-2021European soccer tournament peaked at 34.9 Tbps on the Akamai edge platform. Continue reading Streaming Numbers Jump for European Football Tournament Delivered by Akamai

Gambling, Streaming Traffic Up During Men’s College Basketball Tourney

Gambling industry-related web traffic delivered by Akamai jumped 31% over the category average for all of Q4 2020 on March 31st. That was the day after the field of four finalists – Baylor, Houston, Gonzaga and UCLA – was set. Traffic leading up to the championship was comparatively subdued, peaking at a modest 8% above average prior to the game. Continue reading Gambling, Streaming Traffic Up During Men’s College Basketball Tourney