Twisted light makes for breakthrough quantum computer chip

Quantum computers have the potential to drastically outperform traditional computers, but for now they’re mostly limited to labs and big experimental setups. Japanese researchers have now made a step towards more accessible quantum computing devices, f… Continue reading Twisted light makes for breakthrough quantum computer chip

Lasers beam high-speed internet between cities through open air

Alphabet’s floating internet venture Project Loon may have been deflated, but its legacy looks set to live on through a new effort called Project Taara. The team has salvaged the technology to deliver internet connectivity with lasers, demonstrating th… Continue reading Lasers beam high-speed internet between cities through open air

Liquid metal mirrors switch reflectivity on and off with a zap

Engineers have found a way to make liquid metals switch between reflective surfaces or those that scatter light. The transition only requires a small zap of electricity and could be used to make mirrors that can be switched on or off.Continue ReadingCa… Continue reading Liquid metal mirrors switch reflectivity on and off with a zap

Photonic device makes light any color by manipulating individual photons

Engineers at Stanford have created a new optical device that can easily manipulate light into basically any color desired. The system uses a series of modulators to fine-tune the frequencies of individual photons to change their color.Continue ReadingC… Continue reading Photonic device makes light any color by manipulating individual photons

Optical coating reflects and transmits the same wavelength of light

Materials get their optical properties based on how much they reflect, absorb or transmit different wavelengths (colors) of light. Usually optical coatings either reflect or transmit a given color of light, but now researchers at the University of Roch… Continue reading Optical coating reflects and transmits the same wavelength of light

Nokia and Vodafone demonstrate 100-Gbps fiber broadband in new trial

Nokia and Vodafone have completed a trial of a new broadband technology that delivers a blistering 100 gigabits per second (Gbps) on a single wavelength. The trial was conducted using the kinds of network seen in the “last mile” between an ISP and a us… Continue reading Nokia and Vodafone demonstrate 100-Gbps fiber broadband in new trial

This Expedient Microfiche Reader Illuminates Retro Datasheets

You have to be of a certain vintage to remember doing research on microfilm and microfiche. Before the age of mass digitization of public records, periodicals, and other obscure bits of history, dead-tree records were optically condensed onto fine-grain film, either in roll form or as flat sheets, which were …read more

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