Facebook sues data analytics firm OneAudience over malicious SDK

Facebook says OneAudience paid developers to install its social-media-profile-looting SDK into their apps to get marketing data for clients. Continue reading Facebook sues data analytics firm OneAudience over malicious SDK

Facebook Sues Analytics Firms That Stole User Data Through Third-Party Apps

Facebook is suing data analytics firm OneAudience after the company paid third-party apps to use a malicious SDK that allowed the company to steal user data without their permission.
The post Facebook Sues Analytics Firms That Stole User Data Through… Continue reading Facebook Sues Analytics Firms That Stole User Data Through Third-Party Apps

Facebook, Twitter profiles slurped by mobile apps using malicious SDKs

Hundreds of users gave permission to these third-party apps to access their social media accounts, but the apps got more handsy than that.
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Facebook, Twitter profiles slurped by mobile apps using malicious SDKs

Hundreds of users gave permission to these third-party apps to access their social media accounts, but the apps got more handsy than that.
Continue reading Facebook, Twitter profiles slurped by mobile apps using malicious SDKs