Twitter accounts of The Olympics and FC Barcelona hijacked by OurMine hacking group

The International Olympic Committee and FC Barcelona are the latest victims of a spree of Twitter account hijacks orchestrated by the notorious OurMine gang.
Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.
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Fancy Bear Targeting Anti-Doping Organizations Ahead of 2020 Olympic Games

Fancy Bear has begun targeting anti-doping authorities and sporting organizations ahead of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games. On October 28, the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center revealed that it had identified at least 16 national and international org… Continue reading Fancy Bear Targeting Anti-Doping Organizations Ahead of 2020 Olympic Games

Fancy Bear hackers targeted at least 16 athletic organizations ahead of Tokyo Olympics

State-sponsored Russian hackers are targeting anti-doping authorities and other sports-related organizations ahead of the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, Microsoft announced on Monday. The hacking group known as Fancy Bear — or Strontium, APT28 and other names — targeted at least 16 national and international organizations across three continents starting Sept. 16, Tom Burt, Microsoft’s vice president for customer security and trust said in a blog post. That date roughly coincides with when World-Anti Doping Agency officials told international media outlets that Russia may be banned from all international sporting events over “inconsistencies” at its Moscow testing facility. Microsoft reported Monday that some of the attacks detected in recent weeks were successful, but “the majority were not.” The company did not name any specific victims. The news comes less than a year before the next Summer Games begin in July 2020. The World Anti-Doping Authority long has been a target of interest for Russian hackers. Fancy […]

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Toyota reveals full line-up of support robots for 2020 Olympics

Back in March, the first Tokyo 2020 Robot Project helpers were revealed. Now Toyota has pulled back the curtain on its full line-up, with mascot bots, full-sized humanoids and field support bots joining the delivery and human support robots a… Continue reading Toyota reveals full line-up of support robots for 2020 Olympics

New Olympics HQ is a big win for sustainability

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) recently received a new headquarters in Switzerland, courtesy of 3XN. Featuring an eye-catching glazed facade, the building boasts significant sustainable design, including rainwater collection, solar… Continue reading New Olympics HQ is a big win for sustainability

Japanese government will try to hack its citizens’ IOT devices

Japan will hack citizens’ IoT devices to mop up cyber security before the Olympics. Don’t like the notion? Here’s how to lock ’em down! Continue reading Japanese government will try to hack its citizens’ IOT devices

Russian-linked group tied to Winter Olympics attack is now targeting biochemical researchers

A wave of sophisticated spear phishing emails captured by Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab suggests that the same Russian-linked hacking group responsible for a historic cyberattack on the 2018 Winter Olympics is now targeting biochemical research and domestic financial organizations. Dubbed the “Sandworm Group” by security analysts, the attackers gained notoriety earlier this year when a destructive hacking tool aimed at the IT network attached to the Winter Olympics caught the attention of multiple intelligence agencies. That tool, known as “Olympic Destroyer,” allowed for malware to spread within multiple confined IT environments, quickly deleting boot records and other forensic artifacts while also simultaneously siphoning off sensitive user credentials. CyberScoop previously reported that Sandworm had hacked into the 2018 Olympic games primary IT provider, Atos, months before the event began. One related phishing email that uses a booby trapped Microsoft Word document explicitly mentions a biochemical threat research conference held in Switzerland, which is organized by Spiez Laboratory. […]

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