An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 4)

An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 4)
Taint Flow challenges in a world of untyped and async event handling
From the previous post we concluded that type-checking at compile-time can help enforce better practices an… Continue reading An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 4)

An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 3)

An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 3)
TypeScript to the rescue
From the previous post we concluded that JavaScript contains a number of features that makes it a challenge to analyze and detect bugs in:

JavaSc… Continue reading An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 3)

An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 2)

An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 2)
From client side JavaScript to server side NodeJs
Now that you have reached here after reading the prior post , lets switch contexts and examine the server side javascript… Continue reading An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 2)

An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 1)

An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 1)
What are the characteristics of a Dynamic Language (JavaScript)?
Benjamin Pierce classifies programming languages along two axes:
whether they are safe or unsafe and whether th… Continue reading An Oxymoron : Static Analysis of a Dynamic Language (Part 1)

Automate Your Life with Node-RED (Plus a Dash of MQTT)

For years we’ve seen a trickle of really interesting home automation projects that use the Node-RED package. Each time, the hackers behind these projects have raved about Node-RED and now I’ve joined those ranks as well.

This graphic-based coding platform lets you quickly put together useful operations and graphic user …read more

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Investigating Phishing Emails and Domains Using Domain Tools Iris

Investigation Time! You may be sitting at work early in the morning, enjoying your coffee and the peace and quiet that comes along with being the first one in the office. Like most, the first thing you do is check some emails (not all of it, just some,… Continue reading Investigating Phishing Emails and Domains Using Domain Tools Iris

NodeJS, Rowhammer, & FBI FedEx – Hack Naked News #198

Disastrous Rowhammer bitflips, malicious developer steals Bitcoin with nodeJS module, Germany proposes router security guidelines, Uber fined 148$ Million for data breach cover-up, Microsoft yanks 2 buggy Office patches, and a malvertising campaign imp… Continue reading NodeJS, Rowhammer, & FBI FedEx – Hack Naked News #198

How to Mash Up BLE, NodeJS, and MQTT to Get Internet of Things

We’re living in the world of connected devices. It has never been easier to roll your own and implement the functionality you actually want, rather than live with the lowest common denominator that the manufacture chose.

In a previous article I walked though a small python script to talk to a BLE light and used it to cycle through some colors. Now I want to delve deeper into the world of Internet Connected BLE devices and how to set up a simple Internet-Of-Things light. With this example in hand the sky’s the limit on what you can build and what …read more

Continue reading How to Mash Up BLE, NodeJS, and MQTT to Get Internet of Things

Programmable Christmas Tree is a JavaScript Interpreter

Here at Hackaday, we find Christmas time very exciting because it means an influx of holiday-themed hacks that really help us get into the festive mood. [Andrew’s] programmable Christmas tree hosted at HackMyXmas is certainly one of our favorites. The project consists of a 500 RGB LEDs wrapped around a typical Christmas tree and controlled by a Teensy.  However, not settling for the typical, simple and cyclical pattern for the LEDs, [Andrew] decided the tree had to be programmable of course! So, a single board computer (a C.H.I.P) running Linux was used to provide a Wifi connection and a web …read more

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