ECDH for P-521 (Web Crypto Api) / secp521r1 (NodeJS Crypto) generate a slightly different shared secret

I have generated a public and private key pair with ECDH from NodeJS
function _genPrivateKey(curveName = "secp384r1", encoding = "hex") {
const private_0 = crypto.createECDH(curveName);
private_0.generateKeys();… Continue reading ECDH for P-521 (Web Crypto Api) / secp521r1 (NodeJS Crypto) generate a slightly different shared secret

Dynatrace extends its AI-powered risk assessment for applications running on Node.js

Dynatrace announced enhancements to its Application Security Module, which the company released in December 2020. These include extending Dynatrace’s AI-powered risk assessment for applications running on Node.js, the runtime environment underpinning t… Continue reading Dynatrace extends its AI-powered risk assessment for applications running on Node.js

Does npm (Node.js package manager) provide cryptographic authentication and integrity validation?

Does the npm package manager cryptographically validate its payload’s authentication and integrity for all packages after downloading them and before installing them?
I see a lot of guides providing installation instructions with steps ask… Continue reading Does npm (Node.js package manager) provide cryptographic authentication and integrity validation?