Tiny skin-stabbing stars designed to get meds through the epidermis

While topically-applied medications do help alleviate various skin conditions, they would be even more effective if they could better penetrate the skin’s surface. Newly developed nanoceramic “stars” may one day help, by poking tiny holes in the skin.C… Continue reading Tiny skin-stabbing stars designed to get meds through the epidermis

Nuclei in human cells breached by innovative nanopillars

In a move akin to puncturing an egg yolk without breaking the shell or egg white, researchers have figured out how to pierce the nucleus of a cell without hurting the rest of the structure. The breakthrough could be big news for medical treatments.Cont… Continue reading Nuclei in human cells breached by innovative nanopillars

Game-changing nanostrings vibrate longer than any solid-state material

“Imagine a swing that, once pushed, keeps swinging for almost 100 years because it loses almost no energy through the ropes.” So says a Delft University of Technology researcher who has helped his team accomplish a parallel feat at the nanoscale.Contin… Continue reading Game-changing nanostrings vibrate longer than any solid-state material

Light-activated propulsion spins bacteria-shredding micromotors

The four spikes on a new nanocrystal developed in Spain spin up under light and move through liquid, blasting any bacteria unfortunate to be in their path. The development could spell trouble for bacteria that resists traditional drug treatments.Contin… Continue reading Light-activated propulsion spins bacteria-shredding micromotors

Nanotechnology in Ancient Rome? There Is Evidence

Anything related to nanotechnology feels fairly modern, doesn’t it? Although Richard Feynman planted the seeds of the idea in 1959, the word itself didn’t really get formed until the 70s …read more Continue reading Nanotechnology in Ancient Rome? There Is Evidence

2023 Chemistry Nobel grants big honor to explorers of the super-small

This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to three different scientists who advanced the development of quantum dots – nanoscale particles that exhibit unusual characteristics thanks to their diminutive size.Continue ReadingCategory: Scienc… Continue reading 2023 Chemistry Nobel grants big honor to explorers of the super-small

Simple test predicts Alzheimer’s risk, 20 years before symptoms show

Researcher Shankar Dutt with a new diagnostic tool that can isolate proteins from other biomolecules in the blood to search for signs of early neurodegeneration

Australian National University (ANU) physicists have combined nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and molecular biology to design a novel method that looks for Alzheimer’s disease protein markers in blood. These markers are tell-tale signs of early neurodegeneration, and early detection is so far the best defense we have in order to effectively intervene in Alzheimer’s progression. While there’s no cure for the disease, a 20-year jump on symptoms first appearing has the potential to significantly change health outcomes.

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Phosphorus-based nanotech rips apart superbugs & accelerates healing

Researchers have found that using nano-sized flakes of black phosphorus on wounds infected with drug-resistant superbugs not only kills the pathogens, but also promotes wound healing. More than a coating, the innovative antimicrobial can be incorporate… Continue reading Phosphorus-based nanotech rips apart superbugs & accelerates healing

Aether’s nano-machines: From super-cheap lithium to brand new molecules

Nano-engineering happens all day long in our bodies, and California startup Aether is designing and testing millions of new enzymes to do a range of other useful tasks – like directly extracting battery-grade lithium from sources nobody else can use.Co… Continue reading Aether’s nano-machines: From super-cheap lithium to brand new molecules