AI identifies three subtypes of multiple sclerosis in MRI brain scans

Scientists may have identified three new subtypes of multiple sclerosis (MS). A team trained artificial intelligence algorithms on a large dataset of MRI scans of the brains of MS patients, and uncovered patterns regarding which areas of the brain are … Continue reading AI identifies three subtypes of multiple sclerosis in MRI brain scans

Vision changes could predict cognitive decline in Parkinson’s patients

Researchers suggest eye tests could be a way to effectively predict which Parkinson's disease patients are likely to develop dementia

A pair of newly published studies from scientists at University College London are offering novel insights into how the neurodegeneration associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD) leads to cognitive decline. The research suggests minor vision problems can precede cognitive decline by up to 18 months.

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Vision changes could predict cognitive decline in Parkinson’s patients

Researchers suggest eye tests could be a way to effectively predict which Parkinson's disease patients are likely to develop dementia

A pair of newly published studies from scientists at University College London are offering novel insights into how the neurodegeneration associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD) leads to cognitive decline. The research suggests minor vision problems can precede cognitive decline by up to 18 months.

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45 Million Medical Images Left Exposed Online

A six-month investigation by CybelAngel discovered unsecured sensitive patient data available for third parties to access for blackmail, fraud or other nefarious purposes. Continue reading 45 Million Medical Images Left Exposed Online

World’s first portable MRI machine comes to patients

A study published in the journal JAMA Neurology is reporting promising results testing the world’s first portable MRI machine in a real-world intensive care setting. The groundbreaking device effectively detected brain abnormalities in almost all patie… Continue reading World’s first portable MRI machine comes to patients

Facebook AI produces accurate MRI images 4 times faster than current tech

A newly published study has validated the efficacy of a novel AI algorithm designed to deliver accurate MRI results from four times less data than usually necessary. This impressive innovation promises to dramatically speed up MRI scans without needing… Continue reading Facebook AI produces accurate MRI images 4 times faster than current tech

Cambridge study finds apathy, not depression, is an early sign of dementia

New research argues apathy must be distinguished from depression, because it functions as a clearer preclinical sign of dementia

A new study, led by neuroscientists from the University of Cambridge, has identified apathy as an important early sign of dementia. The research finds apathy is distinct from depression, and offers a more accurate longitudinal association with the onset of dementia.

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Proximity to danger may dictate how fear is formed in the human brain

The human brain reacts completely differently to a threat that invades your personal space compared to those that are further away, according to a new study that combined MRI scans with VR technology. Distant threats engage circuits in the brain linked… Continue reading Proximity to danger may dictate how fear is formed in the human brain

Portable MRI Machine Comes to the Patient

To say that the process of installing a magnetic resonance imager in a hospital is a complex task is a serious understatement. Once the approval of regulators is obtained, a process that could take years, architects and engineers have to figure out where the massive machine can be installed. An …read more

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New X-ray technique images soft-tissue tumors clearer than MRI

Generally, X-rays are used to examine bones, while MRI and ultrasound are used to look at softer tissues. But an emerging method is adapting X-ray to image soft tissue, so that its higher resolution can reveal tumors or other problems earlier than othe… Continue reading New X-ray technique images soft-tissue tumors clearer than MRI