Can my ISP router, which is set in bridge mode be theoretically hacked or is the risk at the router behind the "modem"?

I am using an ISP provided router in bridge mode with my own router.

Where is the risk of getting hacked?
Can my ISP provided router in bridge mode (=modem) be hacked?
Can it get firmware updates when in bridge mode?

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Basics Of Remote Cellular Access: Connecting Via VPN

You’ve got a machine hooked up to the Internet via a shiny new cellular modem, which you plan to administer remotely. You do a quick check on the external IP, and try and log in from another PC. Try as …read more

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Modern Network Adapter for Retro Computers

Universal Serial Bus, or USB, is so ingrained in modern computing that it’s hard to imagine a time without it. That time did exist, though, and it was a wild west of connector types, standards, and interfacing methods. One of the more interesting interfaces of the time was the SIO …read more

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Hackaday Podcast 077: Secret Life of SD Cards, Mining Minecraft’s Secret Seed, BadPower is Bad, and Sailing a Sea of Neon

Hackaday editors Mike Szczys and Elliot Williams are deep in the hacks this week. What if making your own display matrix meant a microcontroller board for every pixel? That’s the gist of this incredible neon display. There’s a lot of dark art poured into the slivers of microSD cards and …read more

Continue reading Hackaday Podcast 077: Secret Life of SD Cards, Mining Minecraft’s Secret Seed, BadPower is Bad, and Sailing a Sea of Neon

A Tin Can Modem, Just for Fun

Anyone old enough to fondly recall the “bleep-burp-rattle” sequence of sounds of a modem negotiating a connection over a phone line probably also remembers the simple “tin-can telephone” experiment, where a taut string transmits sound vibrations from the bottom of one tin can to another.  This tin can modem experiment …read more

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An Open Hardware Modem for the Modern Era

Readers of a certain age will no doubt remember the external modems that used to sit next to their computers, with the madly flashing LEDs and cacophony of familiar squeals announcing your impending connection to a realm of infinite possibilities. By comparison, connecting to the Internet these days is about …read more

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