Apple to Deliver ‘Privacy Labels’ for Apps, Revealing Data-Sharing Details

Developers will have to reveal how data is shared with any “third-party partners,” which include analytics tools, advertising networks, third-party SDKs or other external vendors. Continue reading Apple to Deliver ‘Privacy Labels’ for Apps, Revealing Data-Sharing Details

5 Reasons Why Mobile Application Security Fails

Traditionally, large organizations and the enterprise have been the focus for hackers and malicious attacks, but in recent years, the rise of sophisticated hacking tools and leaked databases on the dark web, in conjunction with the proliferation of mo… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Mobile Application Security Fails

Google’s Waze Can Allow Hackers to Identify and Track Users

The company already patched an API flaw that allowed a security researcher to use the app to find the real identity of drivers using it. Continue reading Google’s Waze Can Allow Hackers to Identify and Track Users

Google aims to improve security of browser engines, third-party Android devices and apps on Google Play

Google has announced two new security initiatives: one is aimed at helping bug hunters improve the security of various browsers’ JavaScript engines, the other at helping Android OEMs improve the security of the mobile devices they ship. Fuzzing J… Continue reading Google aims to improve security of browser engines, third-party Android devices and apps on Google Play

Popular Android apps are rife with cryptographic vulnerabilities

Columbia University researchers have released Crylogger, an open source dynamic analysis tool that shows which Android apps feature cryptographic vulnerabilities. They also used it to test 1780 popular Android apps from the Google Play Store, and the r… Continue reading Popular Android apps are rife with cryptographic vulnerabilities

WhatsApp Discloses 6 Bugs via Dedicated Security Site

The company committed to more transparency about app flaws, with an advisory page aimed at keeping the community better informed of security vulnerabilities. Continue reading WhatsApp Discloses 6 Bugs via Dedicated Security Site

India Blocks High-Profile Chinese Apps on Political, Privacy Concerns

Technology minister bans, Baidu, WeChat Work, AliPay and 115 others for capturing using data and transmitting it to servers outside of the country without authorization. Continue reading India Blocks High-Profile Chinese Apps on Political, Privacy Concerns