UCD’s Prof. Liliana Pasquale on Filling the Cybersecurity Talent Gap

Christa Miller: As the cybersecurity talent gap continues to widen, a number of universities are developing programs to fill it. Among them is University College Dublin, which has just launched its brand new Master of Science in Cybersecurity p… Continue reading UCD’s Prof. Liliana Pasquale on Filling the Cybersecurity Talent Gap

Lecturer Jade James on Her DFIR Career Transition From Lab to Academia

Christa: Among the many decisions a digital forensics professional will make in their career, whether to pursue a graduate degree is among the biggest. Costs in time, and sometimes money, factor in, as well as how a degree could shape… Continue reading Lecturer Jade James on Her DFIR Career Transition From Lab to Academia

How Human Factors Confound and Enrich Digital Forensics: The November-December Research Roundup

Human complexity lies at the heart of so much of digital forensics – both the artifacts that offer insights into people’s motives, means, and opportunity to commit wrongdoing, and the investigations that reveal them.

Our research roundup for the end… Continue reading How Human Factors Confound and Enrich Digital Forensics: The November-December Research Roundup

Encouraging Different Perspectives in Digital Forensics: September Research

The discussion about how to mitigate human bias in forensic science continued in September. Inclusiveness is a key part of this, not just in terms of racial, gender, ability, or other identity, but also in terms of expertise. This month … Read m… Continue reading Encouraging Different Perspectives in Digital Forensics: September Research

Research Roundup: New Tools And Techniques And Ensuring Their Quality

The month of May saw a robust, diverse set of academic papers published. Tools and techniques are as present as ever — focusing that month on Windows 10 and mobile malware — but so are discussions about how to ensure … Read more The … Continue reading Research Roundup: New Tools And Techniques And Ensuring Their Quality

Digital Forensics Research: Recapping DFRWS-EU 2021

Held virtually once again in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Digital Forensics Research Workshop Virtual Europe (DFRWS-EU) embodied its vision of cultivating an inclusive, transdisciplinary approach in both program and activities by featuring 10… Continue reading Digital Forensics Research: Recapping DFRWS-EU 2021

Suspected Iranian hackers snooping on Middle Eastern targets anew

Hackers connected to Iran are on the loose again in the Middle East, instigating an apparent espionage campaign in five countries, Trend Micro said on Friday. The company concluded with moderate confidence that the MuddyWater hacking group, whose interests tend to align with the Iranian government’s, is behind the campaign. It’s an ongoing spearphishing effort aimed at government agencies, academia and the tourism industry in Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, according to Trend Micro. The research confirms research from Anomali in February, and expands the range of named targets. MuddyWater has a history of going after Middle Eastern government agencies and academia along with a range of industries, and it has a reputation for persistent spy work. What’s different about this campaign, though, is that it doesn’t exhibit the usual competence MuddyWater has demonstrated, Trend Micro said. “While it possesses remote access capabilities, the attackers […]

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Digital Forensics Research Looks To The Future

January was a somewhat light month in the way of digital forensics research publication, though the introduction of an Asia-Pacific (APAC) installment of the Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS) conference more than made up for it. This month we… Continue reading Digital Forensics Research Looks To The Future

Cooperation Between Academia And Law Enforcement: Challenges And Opportunities

Digital forensics research often depends on casework: specific problems with a device, operating system, app, or artifact that a forensic examiner needs to solve.

That isn’t always the case, though. Sometimes the problem has a broader scope, or the … Continue reading Cooperation Between Academia And Law Enforcement: Challenges And Opportunities

A Springboard To Digital Forensics Research In 2021

The end of 2020 could not come fast enough for most of us, and yet, as the year wound down, some things — such as the digital forensics research recapped in this article — were worth slowing down for. This … Read more The post A Spri… Continue reading A Springboard To Digital Forensics Research In 2021