Study: Organizations Still Don’t Get Mobile Security

When it comes to the security of their mobile applications, it seems organizations are still not getting it. Even when they are able to check off security compliance checklists and remain compliant on paper, evidence shows a preponderance of gaping ho… Continue reading Study: Organizations Still Don’t Get Mobile Security

Consumers willing to dump apps that collect private data, but can’t tell which are doing so

Consumers are increasingly leery of third parties using and capitalizing on their private data. Two in three consumers are willing to dump data-collecting apps if the information collected is unrelated to the app’s function, or unless they receive real… Continue reading Consumers willing to dump apps that collect private data, but can’t tell which are doing so

The privacy risks of pre-installed software on Android devices

Many pre-installed apps facilitate access to privileged data and resources, without the average user being aware of their presence or being able to uninstall them. On the one hand, the permission model on the Android operating system and its apps allow… Continue reading The privacy risks of pre-installed software on Android devices

Two thirds of Android antimalware apps are ineffective or unreliable

Choosing an effective Android antimalware app is a shot in the dark for many users and they may end up in more danger of malicious apps, not less. In fact, as the results of AV-Comparatives’ latest test of Android antimalware apps has shown, only… Continue reading Two thirds of Android antimalware apps are ineffective or unreliable

OSSPatcher: Automated mobile application patching for bugs in open source libraries

Researchers from the Georgia Tech and Peking University are working on OSSPatcher, a system for automatic patching of vulnerable open source libraries included in mobile applications. Fulfilling a need Most software developers use well-adapted third-pa… Continue reading OSSPatcher: Automated mobile application patching for bugs in open source libraries

The problem with vulnerable IoT companion apps

There’s no shortage of exploitable security holes in widely used Internet of Things devices, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the communication between many of those devices and their companion apps is not encrypted. The research A g… Continue reading The problem with vulnerable IoT companion apps

Facebook to shut down iOS app that allowed for near total data access

When Apple banned its Onavo VPN app from its App Store last summer, Facebook took repackaged the app, named it “Facebook Research” and offered it for download through three app beta testing services, TechCrunch has discovered. About the Facebook Resear… Continue reading Facebook to shut down iOS app that allowed for near total data access