Security Firms, Nonprofits Team to Fight Stalkerware

The Coalition Against Stalkerware launched this week, with the aim of offering a centralized location for helping victims of stalkerware, as well as defining what stalkerware is in the first place. Continue reading Security Firms, Nonprofits Team to Fight Stalkerware

Android camera apps could be hijacked to spy on users

A vulnerability in the Google Camera app may have allowed attackers to surreptitiously take pictures and record videos even if the phone is locked or the screen is off, Checkmarx researchers have discovered. In addition to this, attackers would have al… Continue reading Android camera apps could be hijacked to spy on users

The way Bluetooth devices ‘talk’ to apps leaves them vulnerable

Mobile apps that work with Bluetooth devices have an inherent design flaw that makes them vulnerable to hacking, a research has found. Where is the issue? The problem lies in the way Bluetooth Low Energy devices communicate with the mobile apps that co… Continue reading The way Bluetooth devices ‘talk’ to apps leaves them vulnerable

Mobile security firms will help protect Google Play

Google has partnered with mobile security companies ESET, Lookout and Zimperium to identify potentially harmful and unwanted apps before they are listed on Google Play. “The Android ecosystem is thriving with over 2.5 billion devices, but this po… Continue reading Mobile security firms will help protect Google Play

Blacklisted apps increase 20%, attackers focus on tax-branded key terms

In 2018, global app spending hit $101 billion and is expected to surpass that this year. Mobile is a significant portion of the overall corporate attack surface where security teams often suffer from a lack of visibility. For the second consecutive qua… Continue reading Blacklisted apps increase 20%, attackers focus on tax-branded key terms

ThreatList: Sharp Increase in Fake Mobile Apps Impersonating Legit Ones

Consumers don’t vet apps well enough to mitigate mobile threat risk, according to the latest mobile-threat report from RiskIQ Continue reading ThreatList: Sharp Increase in Fake Mobile Apps Impersonating Legit Ones

Fake mobile app fraud tripled in first half of 2019

In Q2 2019, RSA Security identified 57,406 total fraud attacks worldwide. Of these, phishing attacks were the most prevalent (37%), followed by fake mobile apps (usually apps posing as those of popular brands). But while phishing went up by just 6 perc… Continue reading Fake mobile app fraud tripled in first half of 2019