Manipulating gut microbes in livestock could cut their methane emissions

Fossil fuels cop the brunt of attention for reducing climate-changing emissions, but they’re far from the only culprit – livestock like sheep and cows are responsible for huge amounts of methane being released into the atmosphere. Now, an int… Continue reading Manipulating gut microbes in livestock could cut their methane emissions

“Lost City of the Monkey God” reveals treasure trove of rare, new and rediscovered species

In 2012, centuries-old legends of a lost city in Honduras were confirmed when ancient ruins were rediscovered in the dense Mosquita rainforest. Now, scientists have conducted a three-week expedition to these ruins, known as the “White City” o… Continue reading “Lost City of the Monkey God” reveals treasure trove of rare, new and rediscovered species

Astronomers pinpoint location of mysterious radio signal across the universe

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are one of the most puzzling mysteries of the space age. These one-off, millisecond-long signals pour in from all corners of the cosmos, and so far nobody’s been able to figure out what causes them or where they’re ev… Continue reading Astronomers pinpoint location of mysterious radio signal across the universe

Velcro-like proteins keep cancer drugs inside the cancer

There’s no shortage of techniques to kill cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but the really tricky part is doing so without harming the rest of the body. Cytokines are small proteins that could play a part in immunotherapy, but th… Continue reading Velcro-like proteins keep cancer drugs inside the cancer

Prehistoric bird standing 11.5 ft tall and weighing half a ton found in Crimean cave

Generally speaking, the animals alive today are mere shadows of their former selves – everything from worms to otters to penguins to sharks were bigger and meaner in the distant past. And birds were no exception, as newly-found fossils indica… Continue reading Prehistoric bird standing 11.5 ft tall and weighing half a ton found in Crimean cave

The new "superbugs": Cockroaches evolve resistance to pesticides they haven't even encountered

A cockroach feeds on an insecticide in the lab portion of new experiments at Purdue University

It’s bad enough that bacteria are quickly developing resistance to our best antibiotics – now it looks like another kind of bug will soon earn the “super” moniker. Cockroaches have been known to develop resistances to individual insecticides for decades, but new research has shown that they’re also able to rapidly develop cross-resistance, even to chemicals that they’ve never been directly exposed to.

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Category: Science


Continue reading The new "superbugs": Cockroaches evolve resistance to pesticides they haven't even encountered

Turning train tunnels into giant "fridges" could heat thousands of homes

Full of trains, electronics and people packed in like sardines, subway tunnels are pretty warm places. In theory, all that heat could present an untapped source of energy, if only it could be captured. Now, researchers at EPFL have crunched t… Continue reading Turning train tunnels into giant "fridges" could heat thousands of homes

Genetic study reveals easily-exploitable "chinks in the armor" of MRSA superbugs

Humans are currently locked in an arms race against pathogenic bacteria – and we’re losing. After we developed antibiotics, starting with penicillin in the early 20th century, bacteria have evolved resistance to each new drug we created, thre… Continue reading Genetic study reveals easily-exploitable "chinks in the armor" of MRSA superbugs

How the hole in the ozone layer is affecting climate change

The hole in the Earth’s ozone layer may be on the mend, but that doesn’t mean its environmental impacts are over. A new review study has examined in detail the effects that the extra UV radiation is having on the environment, such as shifting… Continue reading How the hole in the ozone layer is affecting climate change