A Modernized Metric Clock

Much to the chagrin of many living in North America who still need to do things like keep two sets of wrenches on hand, most of the rest of the …read more Continue reading A Modernized Metric Clock
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Much to the chagrin of many living in North America who still need to do things like keep two sets of wrenches on hand, most of the rest of the …read more Continue reading A Modernized Metric Clock
Will it or won’t it? That’s the question much on the minds of astronomers, astrophysicists, and the astro-adjacent this week as Betelgeuse continued its pattern of mysterious behavior that might …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: June 18, 2023
When you’re a machinist, your stock in trade is precision, with measurements in the thousandths of your preferred unit being common. But when you’re a diemaker, your precision game needs …read more Continue reading Metric and Inch Threads Fight it Out for Ultra-Precise Positioning
It may come as a shock to some, but TV used to be a big deal — a very big deal. Sitting down in front of the glowing tube for …read more Continue reading Retrotechtacular: Measuring TV Audiences with the “Poll-O-Meter”
The Mars Climate Orbiter was a spacecraft launched in the closing years of the 1990s, whose job was to have been to study the Martian atmosphere and serve as a communications relay point for a series of other surface missions. It is famous not for its mission achieving these goals, but for the manner of its premature destruction as its orbital insertion brought it too close to the planet’s atmosphere and destroyed it.
The cause of the spacecraft entering the atmosphere rather than orbiting the planet was found in a subsequent investigation to be a very simple one. Simplifying matters …read more
Understand when metric is used with routing.
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Understand the metrics available with Azure IaaS VMs.
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Understand the metrics available with Azure IaaS VMs.
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Understand the metrics available with Azure IaaS VMs.
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As a Hackaday writer, you can never predict where the comments of your posts will go. Some posts seem to be ignored, while others have a good steady stream of useful feedback. But sometimes the comment threads just explode, heading off into seemingly uncharted territory only tangentially related to the original post.
Such was the case with [Steven Dufresne]’s recent post about decimal time, where the comments quickly became a heated debate about the relative merits of metric and imperial units. As I read the thread, I recalled any of the numerous and similarly tangential comments on various reddit threads …read more
Continue reading What’s So Bad about the Imperial System Anyway?