Is my VPN traffic really being routed through all these strange networks? [closed]

I use the client of a reputed paid VPN company. With each server location I connect to, the log tells me I am instead connecting to networks completely unrelated to the company and the country of the VPN location. But when I check my exter… Continue reading Is my VPN traffic really being routed through all these strange networks? [closed]

ASUS Home Router Bugs Open Consumers to Snooping Attacks

The two flaws allow man-in-the-middle attacks that would give an attacker access to all data flowing through the router. Continue reading ASUS Home Router Bugs Open Consumers to Snooping Attacks

Full disk encryption and remote unlocking a mail server in the hand of a possible attacker, what could go wrong?

Since I cannot receive email directly from my home server, I need an external device to receive messages for me and deliver them to my MTA via another port or via VPN. Instead of renting a VPS just for this, I was thinking about purchasing… Continue reading Full disk encryption and remote unlocking a mail server in the hand of a possible attacker, what could go wrong?