Is it possible to retrieve the public-key from an encrypted or passphrase-protected ssh private-key?

I have created an open-ssh keypair using ssh-keygen with the defaults, and encrypted the private key with a passphrase. I already know how to derive the public-key from the private-key using ssh-keygen -y, for which I will need to enter th… Continue reading Is it possible to retrieve the public-key from an encrypted or passphrase-protected ssh private-key?

What are the security implications of using GPG instead of SSH keys for authentication

I want to use a GPG key instead of an SSH key. Looking online I found several guides on how to do it. But these guides are about using GPG for convenience. I instead want to know the pros and cons from the security perspective.
Firstly loo… Continue reading What are the security implications of using GPG instead of SSH keys for authentication

Is it possible somebody could have edited my known_hosts file to connect to malicious servers?

I noticed my known_hosts file has many (15) lines, and I’m not sure why. I didn’t think I had connected to this many servers. (I think this is what the known_hosts file is for, based on my limited understanding of the answer to this post.)… Continue reading Is it possible somebody could have edited my known_hosts file to connect to malicious servers?

is MITM attack possible when we verify only the jump host’s fingerprint (host key)?

I am connecting to remote hosts via jump host where I verify only the jump host’s host key, but turn off host key verification for the target hosts.
the ssh command arguments look like this:
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ProxyCommand=&quo… Continue reading is MITM attack possible when we verify only the jump host’s fingerprint (host key)?