Comparing ACME client logs against Certificate Transparency logs

Inspired by this comment from Can DDNS provider perform a MITM attack?, I was wondering if there is an automated way to check the Certificate Transparency logs for malicious/unexpected certificates.
For example, if I run some ACME client o… Continue reading Comparing ACME client logs against Certificate Transparency logs

SSH Man in the middle attacks – how to detect if the victim is allowed to login on a remote server and which method is used

There are some man in the middle tools for ssh, which can be used to intercept ssh sessions:

SSH-MITM project
OpenSSH fork with implemented mitm capabilities

The OpenSSH fork has some problems with publickey authentication accoring to an… Continue reading SSH Man in the middle attacks – how to detect if the victim is allowed to login on a remote server and which method is used

Client IP spoofing to carry out a TLS conversation, when the server only accepts connections from that client IP?

I am aware that IP spoofing can be used to carry out SYN flooding attacks, and impersonating servers.
However, I have not been able to find detailed step-by-step attack scenarios: where the attacker (let’s assume is on-path between the cli… Continue reading Client IP spoofing to carry out a TLS conversation, when the server only accepts connections from that client IP?

How to deal with targeted attacks from publisher when verifying the integrity of native applications and validating their source code?

I am trying to reason about how native apps can avoid the problems web apps have in dealing with the "Browser Cryptography Chicken and Egg" problem, which has been discussed numerous times on this site, perhaps most notably here:… Continue reading How to deal with targeted attacks from publisher when verifying the integrity of native applications and validating their source code?

Is There an MITMf ScreenShotter plugin for modern tools like bettercap?

I am looking for a plugin like the ScreenShotter , which is capable of capturing a screen shot of other local network connected devices opened browsers pages using html5 canvas
A demo of ScreenShotter working
I am also unable to verify tha… Continue reading Is There an MITMf ScreenShotter plugin for modern tools like bettercap?