KeySteal could allow someone to steal your Apple Keychain passwords

The researcher says it works without root or administrator privileges and without password prompts. But he’s not revealing how it works to Apple because there’s no money for him in its invite-only/iOS-only bounties. Continue reading KeySteal could allow someone to steal your Apple Keychain passwords

Common Security Mistakes when Developing Swift Applications – Part I

Overview: Data Storage and Communication Security Swift was first introduced in 2014 at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) as the iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS de facto programming language. Designed by Chris Lattner and many othe… Continue reading Common Security Mistakes when Developing Swift Applications – Part I

Is it safe to use a stateless authorization mechanism where the clear password is stored on the keychain?

Is it safe to use the following stateless authorization mechanism between a client (iOS & Android) and server?

Sign up

The client provides an email and password and saves the clear password on the Keychain of iOS and u… Continue reading Is it safe to use a stateless authorization mechanism where the clear password is stored on the keychain?