Oauth2 client credentials grant: does authorization server always have to return an opaque access token?

In oauth2 client credentials grant, does the authorization server always return an opaque access token? Or could this also be a signed JWT which the client can then use with an API without requiring the use of introspection?

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What are the downsides of matching by email in SSO logins (e.g. Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft)?

I’ve read somewhere that one should not match by email (e.g. the email given by the Google JWT token) when using SSO (e.g. OpenID Connect) but it’s not clear to me why.
The recommended approach seems to be using aud and sub claims … Continue reading What are the downsides of matching by email in SSO logins (e.g. Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft)?

Is it safe to pass Google ID tokens to third-party services for user authentication?

I’m working on an app called AwesomeApp that uses Google Sign-In for user authentication. When users sign in, the app receives a Google ID token.
We are integrating with a third-party service, ScoreboardService, which also needs to identif… Continue reading Is it safe to pass Google ID tokens to third-party services for user authentication?

Is it ok to use NativePRNGNonBlocking SecureRandom for making jwt? [duplicate]

I’m developing jwt auth feature with Spring WebFlux. And, I found the blocking calls in jjwt library by using BlockHound.
The reason of blocking calls was SecureRandom use /dev/random to make random number in default on Linux system.
To pr… Continue reading Is it ok to use NativePRNGNonBlocking SecureRandom for making jwt? [duplicate]