[SANS ISC] Simple Analysis of an Obfuscated JAR File

I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Simple Analysis of an Obfuscated JAR File“. Yesterday, I found in my spam trap a file named ‘0.19238000 1509447305.zip’ (SHA256: 7bddf3bf47293b4ad8ae64b8b770e0805402b487a4d025e31ef586e9a52add91). The ZIP archive contained a Java archive named ‘0.19238000 1509447305.jar’ (SHA256: b161c7c4b1e6750fce4ed381c0a6a2595a4d20c3b1bdb756a78b78ead0a92ce4). The file had a score of 0/61 in VT and

[The post [SANS ISC] Simple Analysis of an Obfuscated JAR File has been first published on /dev/random]

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fake swift copy notification payment slip malspam with an ACE attachment delivers malware and a jrat Trojan

Continuing with the never ending series of malware email attachments  is an email with the subject of payment slip coming or pretending to come from random companies, names and email addresses with an ACE   attachment ( ACE files are a sort of zip file that normally needs special software to extract. Windows Continue reading → Continue reading fake swift copy notification payment slip malspam with an ACE attachment delivers malware and a jrat Trojan

fake swift copy notification payment slip malspam with an ACE attachment delivers malware and a jrat Trojan

Continuing with the never ending series of malware email attachments  is an email with the subject of payment slip coming or pretending to come from random companies, names and email addresses with an ACE   attachment ( ACE files are a sort of zip file that normally needs special software to extract. Windows Continue reading → Continue reading fake swift copy notification payment slip malspam with an ACE attachment delivers malware and a jrat Trojan